- General Orders 1 (30 June 2016)
- General Orders 2 (30 June 2016)
- General Orders 3 (4 July 2016)
- General Orders 4 (26 July 2016)
- General Orders 5 (2 August 2016)
- General Orders 6 (2 August 2016)
- General Orders 7 (2 August 2016)
- General Orders 8 (20 September 2016)
- General Orders 9 (19 November 2016)
- General Orders 10 (19 November 2016)
- Special Orders 1 (1 May 2016)
- General Orders 1 (4 January 2017)
- General Orders 2 (17 January 2017)
- General Orders 3 (11 March 2017)
- General Orders 4 (11 April 2017)
- General Orders 5 (7 August 2017)
- General Orders 6 -- NOT ISSUED
- General Orders 7 (31 December 2017)
- General Orders 8 (31 December 2017)
- General Orders 9 (31 December 2017)
- General Orders 10(31 December 2017)
- General Orders 11(31 December 2017)
- General Orders 12(31 December 2017)
- General Orders 13(31 December 2017)
- General Orders 1 (30 January 2013)
- General Orders 2 (12 July 2018)
- General Orders 3 -- NOT ISSUED
- General Orders 4 -- NOT ISSUED
- General Orders 5 (20 August 2018)
- General Orders 6 (20 August 2018)
- General Orders 7 (20 August 2018)
- General Orders 8 (1 October 2018)
- General Orders 9 (1 October 2018)
- General Orders 1 (1 January 2019)
- General Orders 2 (8 January 2019)
- General Orders 3 (1 August 2019)
- General Orders 4 (1 August 2019)
- General Orders 5 (10 August 2019)
- General Orders 6 (23 November 2019)
- General Orders 7 (23 November 2019)
- General Orders 8 (23 November 2019 - ***REVOKED ***)
- General Orders 9 (19 December 2019)
- General Orders 10(19 Deccember 2019)
Sons of Veterans Reserve
1 May 2016
SVR Special Order 2016-01
1. Effective this date, and at the request of the 6th Military District Commander, Company B., 2nd Regiment Indian Home Guard is hereby suspended from the ranks of the Sons of Veterans Reserve.
2. This action is taken in accordance with Article V, Section 3, of the Regulations of the Sons of Veterans Reserve. To wit, the Commander of Company B., 2nd Regiment Indian Home Guard has failed to cause the submission of Annual reports, and submission of dues as outlined in the Sections of Article V, SVR Regulations.
3. The suspension will be lifted provided that the unit submits all paperwork as required in Section 4 of said article.
By Order
MG Robert E. Grim
Commanding Officer, SVR
Colonel Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General, SVR
General Orders 2017
SVR General Order 2017-01
SVR General Order 2017-02
SVR General Order 2017-03
SVR General Order 2017-04
SVR General Order 2017-05
SVR General Order #6 - NOT ISSUED
SVR General Order 2017-07
SVR General Order 2017-08
SVR General Order 2017-09
SVR General Order 2017-10
SVR General Order 2017-11
SVR General Order 2017-12
SVR General Order 2017-13
General Orders 2018
Sons of Veterans Reserve
6 July 2018
SVR General Order 2018-1
1. It is with great regret that the Commanding General Sons of Veterans Reserve accept the resignation of Captain James Ward as Adjutant of the 7th Military District. Captain Ward will retain his rank and continue to serve as Company Commander of Amzi Harmon Company.
The Commanding General extends this thanks and gratitude to Captain Ward for his outstanding service as 7th Military District Adjutant.
2. 1st Sergeant William Miller of the 14th Corps HQ Guard, 7th Military District has been appointed to serve as 7th Military District Adjutant effective 30 June 2018. 1st Sgt Miller be promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, SVR on the completion of his paperwork for said commission. > Robert E. Grim
Commanding GeneralAttest
Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
Sons of Veterans Reserve
12 July 2018
SVR General Order 2018-02
1. On the recommendation of the District Commander, the Commanding General of the Sons of Veterans Reserve appoints 1st Sgt. Maurice Healy, Company C, 15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry as the Provost Marshal for the 2018 SUVCW National Encampment.
2. This appointment is for the period 9-12 August 2018. 1st Sgt. Healy may appoint as many deputy provost as he deems necessary to complete this assignment.
3. The Provost will serve for SUVCW functions only.
Robert E. Grim
Commanding GeneralAttest
Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
Sons of Veterans Reserve
20 August 2018
SVR General Order 2018-05
1. SVR General Order 2012-12 dated 16 September 2012 relating to the National Civil War Ball is revoked effective this date.
2. The National Civil War Ball held in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on Remembrance Day shall be under the direction of the Sons of Veterans Reserve Deputy Commander who will make the necessary arrangements for the Ball and coordinate the following activities associated with the Ball:
A. Make arrangements with the hotel for the ballroom and see that the ballroom is appropriately set up and decorated.
B. Contract with the Philadelphia Brigade Band for music and a dance master.
C. Select volunteers to assist with the Ball as needed and assign their duties.
D. Coordinate refreshment needs for the Ball with the hotel.
E. Handle SVR advertising and promotion of the Ball and manage all ticket sales for the Ball.
F. Oversee the cake walk and distribution of door prizes at the Ball.
G. Oversee the Ballroom clean up after the Ball.
Robert E. Grim
Commanding GeneralAttest
Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
Sons of Veterans Reserve
20 August 2018
SVR General Order 2018-06
1. Article X of the SVR Regulations was amended on 12 August 2018 at the 137th National Encampment of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War held at Framingham, Massachusetts. The changes are reflected in red.
Article X
Awards. Decorations, Devices and Insignia
1. Provision is hereby authorized for a Sons of Veterans Reserve Membership Badge. The badge shall be the SVR logo made of bronze and suspended from a ribbon of red, white, and blue and equipped with a safety clasp. The Commanding Officer’s badge will be dipped in gold and members of the General Staff dipped in silver.
2. All SVR Members in good standing may purchase the badge through the SVR Quartermaster.
3. The SVR badge shall be worn over the left breast of coats, jackets and vests worn as outer garments and shall be at the extreme left of the wearer’s right of all SUVCW badges. The order of arrangement shall be consistent with Chapter V, Article 3 of the SUVCW Constitution and Regulations unless stipulated by these Regulations.
4. The SVR metal cutout is still authorized for wear on the SUVCW badge. A miniature Sons of Veterans Reserve Membership badge is hereby authorized to be worn, however, only on civilian attire, and in conjunction with the miniature Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Membership badge. The miniature Sons of Veterans Reserve badge may not be worn with any full size badge.
5. The Commanding Officer of an SVR Unit is authorized to purchase from the SVR Quartermaster and wear an SVR Unit Commander’s Badge, which replaces the SVR Membership Badge. The badge shall have a dark royal blue ribbon drape with a white stripe down the center one-third the size of the ribbon and equipped with a safety clasp. At the top of the ribbon drape there shall be a bronze tone bar with the words “Unit Commander”. The drop shall be a brass color SVR logo eagle topped with a curved bar bearing the words “Filii Veteranorum”.
6. Any SVR member in good standing who has served honorably for at least one year as an SVR Unit Commander and is no longer serving as an SVR Unit Commander is authorized to purchase from the SVR Quartermaster and wear an SVR Past Unit Commander’s Badge, which replaces the SVR Membership Badge. The badge shall have a dark royal blue ribbon drape with a white stripe down the center one-third the size of the ribbon drape and equipped with a safety clasp. In the center of the white stripe shall be a deep red thin stripe approximately 1/8 inch wide. At the top of the ribbon drape there shall be a bronze tone bar with the words “Past Unit Commander”. The drop shall be a brass color SVR logo eagle topped with a curved bar bearing the words ”Filii Veteranorum”.
7. Any SVR member in good standing who has served honorably for at least one year as an SVR District Commander and is no longer serving as an SVR District Commander is authorized to purchase from the SVR Quartermaster and wear an SVR Past District Commander’s Badge, which replaces the SVR Membership Badge. The badge shall have a light blue ribbon drape with a dark red stripe down the center one-fourth the size of the ribbon drape and equipped with a safety clasp. At the top of the ribbon drape there shall be a silver tone bar with the words “Past District Commander”. The drop shall be a silver color SVR logo eagle topped with a curved bar bearing the words ”Filii Veteranorum”.
8. Individuals who have served as Commanding Officer of the Sons of Veterans Reserve are entitled to wear a Sons of Veterans Reserve Past Commanding Officer’s badge, which replaces the SVR Membership Badge. This badge shall have the ribbon, one third blue, one third white and one third red with each section trimmed with gold color and equipped with a safety clasp. The drop shall be the dark brass color SVR logo with a blue background surrounding the words “Sons of Veterans Reserve, S.U.V.C.W.” In the center the letter S shall be white, the letter V shall be red, and the letter R shall be blue. The SVR logo shall be surrounded by a light brass color star-burst.
9. The Commanding Officer and General Staff’s badges are the property of the SVR. Upon vacating their respective positions, the badges of their officers transferred to the incoming officers.
10. Authority to award personal and unit decorations within the SVR is vested with the Commanding Officer, SVR, or his designee.
11. In order to recognize patriotic service, personal and unit achievements, and to promote esprit de corps, the following procedures are established regarding awards and decorations.
A. All decorations and badges described herein and those described in Chapter V, Article 3 of the SUVCW Constitution and Regulations may be worn on the SVR uniform. Other SVR decorations, ribbons, and badges previously awarded, remain authorized for continued wear.
B. Badges, emblems, insignia, ribbons, etc., given by an agency or organization other than the SUVCW or SVR as souvenirs, remain authorized for continued wear.
12. The following SVR personal and unit awards are hereby authorized:
A. Meritorious Service Medal: A silver star worn on the SVR membership badge may be awarded to those members who demonstrate outstanding meritorious service specifically on behalf of the SVR. It may also be awarded to those members who recruit a minimum of ten (10) new members into the SVR in a calendar year.
B. Distinguished Service Medal: A gold star worn on the SVR membership badge may be awarded to those members who demonstrate exceptional service of duty that reflects upon the accomplishments and prestige of the SUVCW and SVR on a national scale. Recognition shall be for extremely difficult duty, which clearly aids the SVR in furthering the SUVCW mission objectives.
C. .SVR Unit Citation: This may be awarded to those units for being exceptionally meritorious in promoting the goals and objectives of the SVR and the SUVCW which clearly sets the unit above and apart from similar units. The SVR Unit Citation is a white oval shaped enamel badge bearing the SVR logo which is worn over the left breast of the wearer above other badges and medals being worn. Subsequent awards to the same unit will be awarded a bronze star for placement on the ribbon of the Sons of Veterans Reserve membership badge.
13. Nominations procedures for personal and unit awards are as follows:
A. Each Military District shall establish an Awards Board to review nominations for personal and unit awards.
B. Nominations shall be forwarded, in writing, to the respective District Awards Board giving a narrative justifying the member’s/unit’s achievements no later than 1 August of each year. Any SUVCW member having knowledge of an act of service meriting recognition may initiate a recommendation for an award.
C. All narratives submitted to the District Awards Board should be specific as to include dates, places and facts relating to achievement of service. The narrative must clearly portray how the Unit’s or individual’s achievements meet or exceed the criteria set forth in paragraph 4.
D. District Awards Boards shall record all nominations within their district and submit their nominations to the Deputy Commander, SVR, no later than 1 September of each year.
E. The Deputy Commander, SVR, will convene the National Awards Board (comprised of the General Staff), review all nominations submitted, and select those most qualified to receive awards.
F. All awards will be presented by the Commanding Officer, SVR or his representative, at the annual Remembrance Day SVR breakfast in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
14. Letters of Appreciation and Commendation: The following awards may be awarded by District Commanders and Commanding Officers of SVR Units for those individuals that do not meet the criteria for the Meritorious Service Medal or the Distinguished Service Medal who promote the principles of the SUVCW and SVR and who demonstrate sustained superior performance in their duties:
A. Commanding Officers of SVR units: Letter of Appreciation.
B. District Commanders: District Commander Letter of Appreciation and Letter of Commendation.
C. Commanding Officer, SVR: Letter of Appreciation and Letter of Commendation.
15. A commissioned officer or enlisted SVR Member may request through his Commanding Officer to be discharged from the SVR after serving one (1) year at his current rank. Requests shall be made in writing through the Unit Commander to the District Commander of which his unit reports. The District Commander shall cause to be issued an Honorable Discharge certificate to the member.
16. A commissioned or enlisted SVR member may be retired at his request after an accredited service of ten (10) years of active service in the SVR. Requests shall be made (through channels) in writing to the Commanding Officer, SVR. The Commanding Officer, SVR shall cause to be issued a Certificate of Retirement in such cases.
17. Provision is hereby made for the SVR collar devices and SUVCW membership badge SVR devices.
18. Provision is hereby made for the following insignia: (new SVR logo):
2. All District Commanders and/or their Adjutants will see that the aforementioned changes are disseminated to all units under their command.
Robert E. Grim
Commanding GeneralAttest
Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
Sons of Veterans Reserve
20 August 2018
SVR General Order 2018-07
1. Changes to the SVR Regulations made at the 137th National Encampment of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War transfers the sale of SVR merchandise from the SUVCW Quartermaster to the SVR Quartermaster.
2. The duties of the SVR Quartermaster shall be performed by SVR National Chief of Staff Colonel Robert M. Petrovic, 6519 Cherokee Lane, Cedar Hill, MO 63016. All SVR related merchandise should now be ordered from Col. Petrovic.
3. The new SVR badges authorized in Article X Sections 5, 6, and 7 of the SVR Regulations for SVR Unit Commanders, Past SVR Unit Commanders and Past SVR District Commanders will be available by Remembrance Day 17 November 2018. SVR Form 6, 7,or 8 must be used when ordering these new badges. The form will be available on the SVR web site.
Robert E. Grim
Commanding GeneralAttest
Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
GENERAL ORDER 2018-8 SVR General Order 2018-08
Sons of Veterans Reserve
1 October 2018
1. Effective this date, Lieutenant Colonel Edward Kreiser has requested that he be retired and entered into the SVR Inactive Reserve at his current rank. It is with great sadness that the Commanding General honors this request and thanks Lieutenant Colonel Kreiser for his outstanding service to the Sons of Veterans Reserve.
2. Effective this date Major Thomas J. Brown, is appointed as the Commander of the 4th Military District, to serve as such until November 16, 2019 or until properly relieved. Contact Info for Major Brown is 5025 N. 105th St. Milwaukee, WI Phone number 414-462-0492. Major Brown will submit his list of Staff Officers in the near term.
3. Effective this date, Major Joseph C. Marti has requested that he be moved to the SVR Inactive Reserve at his current rank. It is with deep sadness that the Commanding General SVR honors this request and thanks Major Marti for his serve to the Sons of Veterans Reserve.
4. Effective this date Captain Steve Betschart is appointed the Commander of the 6th Military District to rank as such until November 16, 2019 or until properly relieved. Contact information for Captain Betschart is 122 SW Maple Street Dallas, OR 97338 Phone number 503-623-2102. Captain Betschart will submit his Staff Officers in the near term.
Robert E. Grim
Commanding GeneralAttest
Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
GENERAL ORDER 2018-9 SVR General Order 2018-09
Sons of Veterans Reserve
1 October 2018
1. Effective 26 April 2018, with deep regret the Commanding General Sons of Veterans Reserve accepted the resignation of Captain L. Dean Lamphere from his position as Adjutant General of the 3rd Military District.
2. Effective 1 August 2018 1st Lieutenant Shane Milburn, Commander of Company C, 20th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, is appointed Adjutant of the 3rd Military District and promoted to the rank of Captain. His appointment and rank will expire 16 November 2019.
Robert E. Grim
Commanding GeneralAttest
Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
General Orders 2019
GENERAL ORDER 2019-01 SVR General Order 2019-01
Sons of Veterans Reserve
1 January 2019
1. Effective 1 January 2019, with deep regret the Commanding General Sons of Veterans Reserve accepted the resignation of Captain Marc Witkovski from his position as Commanding Officer Nebraska Rangers. Captain Witkovski will be transferred to the SVR Inactive Reserve at his current rank.
2. Keith A. Rockefeller has been commissioned to rank of 1st Lieutenant and has been elected to serve as the Commanding Officer of the Nebraska Rangers.
3. Nathaniel L. Edwards has been commissioned to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and will serve as unit Public Information Officer of the Nebraska Rangers.
4. Second Lieutenant Mark Glaubis has stepped down from his position as 2nd Lieutenant and will remain with the Nebraska Rangers as a Private.
Robert E. Grim
Commanding GeneralAttest
Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
GENERAL ORDER 2019-02 SVR General Order 2019-02
Sons of Veterans Reserve
8 January 2019
1. Effective 8 January 2019, 2nd LT William Miller is promoted to the rank of Captain. Captain Miller will continue to serve as the Adjutant of the 7th Military District. His commission will remain in effect until 8 January 2022 or until properly relieved.
2. Captain Millers contact information is 2250 Arbor Forest Trail Marietta, GA 30064 Phone 678 354-4732
By Order of:
Robert E. Grim
Commanding GeneralAttest
Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
GENERAL ORDER 2019-03 SVR General Order 2019-03
Sons of Veterans Reserve
1 August 2019
- Lt. Colonel J. Alan Teller, 3rd Military District Commander, has been appointed by the Commanding General, SVR, to serve as the Provost for the 2019 SUVCW National Encampment in Cleveland, Ohio.
- Lt. Colonel Teller will hold this position beginning 8 August 2019 through 11 August 2019.
- This SVR General Order rescinds the Order previously transmitted.
By Order of:
Major General Robert E. Grim
Colonel Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
GENERAL ORDER 2019-04 SVR General Order 2019-03
Sons of Veterans Reserve
1 August 2019
- Effective this date the Commanding General accepts the resignation of
By Order of:
Major General Robert E. Grim
Colonel Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
GENERAL ORDER 2019-05 SVR General Order 2019-05
Sons of Veterans Reserve
10 August 2019
- Effective this date the Commanding General appoints Captain Kevin Tucker as Commander of the 1st Military District.
- Captain Tucker will serve in the capacity until properly relieved.
By Order of:
Major General Robert E. Grim
Colonel Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
GENERAL ORDER 2019-06 SVR General Order 2019-06
Sons of Veterans Reserve
23 November 2019
- Effective this date the Commanding General is proud to present and honor the following Brothers with awards at the SVR Remembrance Day Breakfast:
- The SVR Distinguished Service Medal was awarded to the following SVR Members:
Lt. Colonel James B. Pahl, Judge Advocate
Lt. Colonel J. Alan Teller, Commander of the 3rd Military District
Major David Hann, Provost Marshal
Musician Sergeant Major Ivan Frantz, Jr.
- The SVR Meritorious Service Medal was awarded to the following SVR members:
Lt. Colonel Thomas J. Brown, Commander of the 4th Military District
Major Seven Betschart, Commander of the 6th Military District
1st Lieutenant Scott Hann, Deputy Provost Marshal
- Certificate of Commendation was presented to the following SVR members”
Lt. Colonel J. Alan Teller, Commander of the 3rd Military District
Captain Shane L. Milburn, Adjutant 3rd Military District, Commander Co. C, 20th OVI
Captain Michael Beck, Co. D 27th Indiana Vol. Infantry, 3rd Military District
1st Lieutenant William Adams, Co. D, 27th Indiana Vol. Infantry, 3rd Military District
1st Lieutenant Paul Davis, Co. A, 14th Michigan Vol. Infantry, 3rd Military District
2nd Lieutenant Bruce Kelb, Co. D, 27th Indiana Vol. Infantry, 3rd Military District
Sergeant Edgar Dowd, Co. A, 14th Michigan Vol. Infantry, 3rd Military District
Sergeant Dennis Hutchinson, Co. D, 27th Indiana Vol. Infantry, 3rd Military District
Corporal Shawn A. Cox, Co. C, 20th Ohio Vol. Infantry, 3rd Military District
Corporal James Floyd, Co. D, 27th Indiana Vol. Infantry, 3rd Military District
Corporal Thomas Schmitt, Co. D, 27th Indiana Vol. Infantry, 3rd Military District
Private Paul Eger, Co. D, 27th Indiana Vol. Infantry, 3rd Military District
Private Jordan Milburn, Co. C, 20th Ohio Vol. Infantry, 3rd Military District
Private Jered Robinson, Co. C, 20th Ohio Voluntary Infantry, 3rd Military District
- Unit Citation awarded to Company A, First New Jersey Battalion, 2nd Military District
By Order of
Maj. General Robert E. Grim
Col. Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
GENERAL ORDER 2019-07 SVR General Order 2019-07
Sons of Veterans Reserve
23 November 2019
- Effective this date the Commanding General hereby rescinds his announcement made at the Gettysburg Remembrance Day SVR Breakfast on 23 November 2019 that no more SVR Remembrance Day breakfasts would be held. Due to popular request the SVR will continue to hold its annual SVR breakfast on Remembrance Day.
By Order of:
Maj. General Robert E. Grim
Col. Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
Sons of Veterans Reserve
10 August 2019
GENERAL ORDER 2019-09 SVR General Order 2019-09
Sons of Veterans Reserve
19 December 2019
1. SVR General Order 2018-08 dated 20 August 2018 relating to the National Civil War Ball is revoked effective this date.
2. The National Civil War Ball held in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on Remembrance Day shall be under the direction of the Sons of Veterans Reserve Inspector General who will make the necessary arrangements for the Ball and coordinate the following activities associated with the Ball:
A. Make arrangements with the hotel for the ballroom and see that the ballroom is appropriately set up and decorated.
B. Contract with the Philadelphia Brigade Band for music and a dance master.
C. Select volunteers to assist with the Ball as needed and assign their duties.
D. Coordinate refreshment needs for the Ball with the hotel.
E. Handle SVR advertising and promotion of the Ball and manage all ticket sales for the Ball.
F. Oversee the cake walk and distribution of door prizes at the Ball.
G. Oversee the Ballroom clean up after the Ball.By Order of:
Major General Robert E. Grim
Colonel Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
GENERAL ORDER 2019-10 SVR General Order 2019-10
Sons of Veterans Reserve
19 December 2019
- The Commanding General Sons of Veterans Reserve was informed to the passing of Lt. Colonel David Allyn, former 6th Military District Commander.
- Lt. Colonel Allyn was born December 1, 1944 and passed to his Eternal Father on 14 December 2019. He was 6th Military District Commander from 2002 until 2011. He was a member of Sgt. William Pittenger Camp 23.
- In honor of Lt. Colonel Allyn’s dedication to the Sons of Veterans Reserve all Military Districts and their subordinate commands will drape their SVR badges in black for a period of 30 days.
By Order of:
Major General Robert E. Grim
Colonel Donald E. Darby
Adjutant General
General Orders 2020
GENERAL ORDER 2020-01 SVR General Order 2020-01
Sons of Veterans Reserve
3 April 2020
1. It is with deepest regret and sorrow that the Commanding General, SVR, announces the passing of Major Steven Betschart, 6trh Military District Commander.
2. All SVR membership badges will be draped with black ribbon effective this date, 3April 2020, for a period of 30 days.
3. Please take time to remember Brother Betschart's family in your thoughts and prayers.
4. 6th Military District Chief of Staff, Captain Wayne Eder, will be in charge of the 6th Military District until a new Commander can be appointed.
By Order
Robert E. Grim
Major General, SVR
Donald E. Darby
Colonel, SVR
Adjutant General
GENERAL ORDER 2020-02 SVR General Order 2020-02
Sons of Veterans Reserve
1 October 2020
1. Effective this date, The Commanding General Sons of Veterans Reserve with the approval of the Military Affairs Council hereby promote Captain Wayne Eder to the rank of Major to serve as such until the 16th Day of November 2024. Major Eder is assigned as the Commander of the 6th Military District.
2. Also effective this date, the Commanding General Sons of Veterans Reserve with the approval of the Military Affairs Council promotes Captain Jerome Kowalski to the rank of Major, to serve as such until the 16th day of November 2024 or until properly relieved. Major Kowalski will continue to act as Chaplain for the Sons of Veterans Reserve.
By Order
Robert E. Grim
Major General, SVR
Donald E. Darby
Colonel, SVR
Adjutant General
GENERAL ORDER 2020-03 SVR General Order 2020-03
Sons of Veterans Reserve
3 November 2020
1. Effective this date, The Commanding General Sons of Veterans Reserve with the approval of the Military Affairs Council hereby promotes Captain Kevin Tucker to the rank of Major to serve as such until the 16th Day of November 2024. Major Tucker is assigned as the Commander of the 1st Military District. By Order
Robert E. Grim
Major General, SVR
Donald E. Darby
Colonel, SVR
Adjutant General
GENERAL ORDER 2020-04 SVR General Order 2020-04
Sons of Veterans Reserve
1 December 2020
1. Effective this date, The Commanding General Sons of Veterans Reserve accepts the request for transfer to the SVR Inactive Reserve of Major Eric Peterson, Commander of the 7th Military District SVR. The Commanding General wishes to express his gratitude for the service and dedication of Major Peterson to the SVR and the Boys in Blue. Major Peterson will be transferred to the Inactive Reserve at his current rank.
2. Effective this date, the Commanding General of the SVR appoints Captain David DuBruq to the position of Commander, Third Military District, SVR. Captain DuBruq will maintain the rank of Captain. Captain DuBruq will appoint his staff in the near term.
Robert E. Grim
Major General, SVR
Donald E. Darby
Colonel, SVR
Adjutant General
Return to SVR Home Page